Saint Vicente de Paul
The Society of Saint Vincent de Paul strives to connect with needy individuals and families in our community and provide those in need with short-term assistance. If you know of anyone who needs assistance, or if you are looking to join the society as a member, please contact us through the rectory. (617- 547-5593)
Home Family Visit of the Statue of Immaculate Heart of Mary
August 3 - Rui & Esmeralda Dias - Stoneham MA
August 10 - João & Clotilde Gravito - Wilmington MA
August 17 - Lourdes Coelho - East Boston MA
August 27 -João & Emilia Martins - Stoneham MA
August 31 - José & Odilia Moreira - Medford MA
If any family would like to receive the visit of the Statue, please contact: Iberia Frias at 617- 491-0281.
Saint John’s Brotherhood (Império de São João)
Brotherhood of the Holy Spirit, responsible for holding and organizing the annual feast of Holy Spirit on Pentecost Sunday (Azorean Tradition)
If interested in being a member, please contact the parish rectory.
Children’s Brotherhood (Império das Crianças)
Brotherhood of the Holy Spirit, responsible for holding and organizing the annual feast of the Holy Spirit on Trinity Sunday (Azorean Tradition)
If interested in being a member, please contact the parish rectory.
English Choir
Sings every Sunday at the 9:30AM mass.
If interested in being a member, please contact Philip Chaves 617-901-8765
Portuguese Choir
Sings every Sunday at the 11AM mass.
If interested in being a member, please contact Dorothy Chaves 781-643-8286
Pastoral Council
The Pastoral Council of the parish helps advise the Pastor on matters pertaining to the organization and running of the parish.
The current members are:
Fr. Michael Harrington, Fr. Antonio de Souza, Fr. Edi Oliveira, Higor Fontoura, Steven Melo, Tony Pereira, Liz Carreiro, Luis Travassos, Jacob Chaves, Marta Machado, Denise Rubim and Tony Felicio
Feast Committee (Comissão de Festas)
This committee helps in the organization of the annual Parish Feasts (Santo Cristo Feast and Saint Anthony Feast) along with other yearly parish events.
If interested in being a member or volunteer, please contact the Parish Rectory.
Mother’s Rosary Group (Terço das mães)
Meets every Tuesday at 7PM in the Chapel to pray for their children and all the children of the parish.
Cursillo Group (Curso de Cristandade)
The group of Cursillistas (Cursistas) are members who have attended a Cursillo retreat. They meet for Ultreia on the last Friday of every month.
Wednesday Adoration and Worship (8 pm) at Saint Francis
Young Adults Prayer Group (Saturdays 5 pm) at Saint Francis
Malu (857) 500-9750
Visiting the Sick
If you know of any sick/homebound who would like a visit from a priest or to receive communion at home, please call or email the office to schedule a time for the visit.
(617- 547-5593) [email protected]
Office Hours: Mon - Fri 10 am - 4 pm